Internal Displacement in Nigeria: It’s Impact on Women’s Reproductive Health
Professor (Mrs.) T. U. Akpoghome

In times of crisis, the ability to access good medical care is a determinant of whether the woman involved lives or dies. This paper examines the reproductive health implications arising from internal displacement in Nigeria and the laws that protect internally displaced persons. The doctrinal methodology of research was employed thus both primary and secondary sources of law relating to internal displaced persons were examined. It finds that in times of crisis, it is common place to see people flee their habitual places of residence to take up respite in temporary habitations, in order to avoid the effects of violations of their human rights. The impact of this displacement is mostly felt by women and children. The scale of internal displacement and the inevitable problems arising therefrom, in proportion to the nature of response from government have become an increasing cause for worry in contemporary times. More worrisome is the fact that the array of international legal instruments protecting internally displaced persons has not been domesticated in Nigeria, leaving a protection gap in that respect. It is therefore recommended that these Laws be domesticated and given effect in other to protect the lives and dignity of women caught up in armed conflict amongst others.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jlcj.v9n2a8