Examining The Crime of Conspiracy in Nigeria and Selected Commonwealth Jurisdictions.
Kingsley .O. Mrabure Ph.D; Alfred Abhulimhen-Iyoha Ph.D.

Conspiracy is the agreement of two or more individuals to perform an illegal act or or cause it to be done by illegal means. The actual agreement alone is conspiracy and it is not necessary to prove that the act was actually committed. In Nigeria, it is mainly regulated by the Penal Code and the Criminal Code, in India, the offence is regulated by the Indian Penal Code and in the Australian State of Queensland, the primary legislation is the Criminal Code of 1899 from which the Nigerian Criminal Code is derived. In discussing the crime of conspiracy, an examination of the statutory provisions and case law in selected jurisdictions was attempted. It was found that all the jurisdictions make use of the same common law principles. The only exception is England which has two kinds of conspiracy that is statutory and common law conspiracies.

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