The Therapeutic Role of Forgiveness in Restorative Justice
Obinna Paschal Ezeihuoma

The criminal justice system does not currently emphasize the role of forgiveness in the application of justice. Criminal justice procedures and practices have been dominated by the punitive preference of the state, whose interest is traditionally hinged on deterrence, incapacitation, and retributive justice The purpose of this research is to draw upon contemporary empirical data and restorative practices dialogues within criminal justice procedures and other process-based forgiveness interventions models to examine how forgiveness espouse therapeutic outcomes. Current study used content cum secondary analyses and qualitative method to explore the linkages between the idea of restorative justice dialogue and other existing scholarships in other fields of endeavor. The result shows that forgiveness plays a therapeutic role in the emotional and social well-being of individuals and communities that are victimized by crime. By incorporating restorative justice processes in the criminal justice system, a psychotherapeutic pathway is created at the individual level which makes restorative justice a viable alternative to other procedures and practices.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jlcj.v6n1a4