School Resource Officer Program Evaluation in the United States
Caroletta A. Shuler Ivey

Thiscross-sectional quantitative study examines the perception of theeffectiveness of the School Resource Officer Program in South Carolina among 63 school resource officers, their supervisors, and high school principals representing 40 different law enforcement agencies and school districts throughout the state. The purpose of the study examineswhether school resource officers, supervisors of school resource officers, and school principals in South Carolina‘s high schools, perceive school resource officers‘ functions of law-related teaching and law-related counseling to be effective as noted by the National School Resource Officers Association. The data found that there is an overwhelmingly perceive notion of ineffectiveness with law-related education functions and duties, and law-related counseling functionsand duties using One-Way ANOVA and Games-Howell post hoc tests.As a result, the null hypothesis is rejected as law-related counseling to be effective by 83 percent. The accepted null hypothesis is due to the results of law-related education functions and duties. The overall participants found law-related education to be 77 percent ineffective.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jlcj.v5n2a4